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Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is now complete.

Those seeking to display a poster during the 2010 conference please contact Bradley Hayden, Countrywide Conference & Event Management.


Deadline for submission of an abstract:
Friday 30 October 2009 – COMPLETED

Notification of successful papers and snapshots:
Friday 27 November 2009

Deadline for submission of full papers and revised snap-shot abstract:
Friday 12 February 2010 – COMPLETED

Deadline for submission of entries for the Photography Competition:
Monday 22 March 2010

Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations:
Friday 16 April 2010

Any general queries about the conference to be sent to Susan Jackson-Stepowski.

General papers

Papers will stress management aspects of one or more of the three conference themes and solutions (or failures) and be prepared for a maximum 20 minute presentation length. There will be approximately 33 slots for papers, in addition to key-note speakers, and snap-shot sessions on each theme.

Snap-shot sessions

These will be a presentation of 5 minute maximum based upon one of the three conference themes and will deal with specific site/s and/or highlight a specific project.


Posters displays are designed for persons who seek to show-case a specific site or project. Poster displays are to relate one or more of the three conference themes.

Download the 2010 Application form – Poster abstracts to submit a poster application.

Photography Competition

Broken Hill, the location of the Australia ICOMOS 2010 conference is a recognised centre for artistic endeavor and so the Australia ICOMOS Executive and 2010 Conference Organising Committee are pleased to be holding a photography competition in association with the conference. The categories for the competition will centre on the three major conference themes. These are:

• Historic towns (individual image)

• Industrial heritage (individual image)

• Pastoralism (individual image)

• Photo Essay (up to six images on any of the three conference themes)

Entry is open to Australia ICOMOS members and conference delegates. The Entries will be displayed at the conference venue throughout the conference. Voting in each category will be open to conference delegates and members of the general public.

Competition entries must be submitted by Monday 22 March 2010 at the latest. For further information, including the competition terms and conditions, download the 2010 Application form – Photography competition.