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Trades Hall

Trades Hall, 1898/1904. Trade unionism developed as a powerful force in Broken Hill partly due to the nature of the mining industry, the working conditions and the isolation of the city. The Amalgamated Miners’ Association was formed in 1886 with the motto United We Stand, Divided We Fall. The construction of Trades Hall commenced in 1898 with the second-storey meeting rooms and a large hall with vast pressed iron ceilings added in 1904. The interior of the building was restored in 1988, reinstating the original elaborate detailing of the main hall which is typical of the late Victorian period. It is open for public inspection during working hours. The Barrier Industrial Council was established in 1924 to represent all local unions (currently there are 18). The history of Broken Hill is marked with bitter and protracted strikes, particularly in 1892, 1909 and 1919 and this building was the focal point of these strikes. The 1919 strike lasted 18 months and led to the 35 hour week for miners and improved health and safety conditions.

(Information from Elizabeth Vines)

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Trades Hall  A

Trades Hall  C