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Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS Pasifika are pleased to announce a joint planned conference to share knowledge, celebrate the rich culture of the Pacific and discuss common issues on heritage conservation across the region.

There will be a pre-conference workshop in Levuka and post-conference thematic tours.

Please join us in Suva, Fiji 1-5 October 2018.

Contact us

The CULTURE Photo Competition is now open!

Enter by uploading images that celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Pacific region using the hastag #ICOMOSPasifika18 

The first prize is a Tivua Island Day Cruise for two
donated by Captain Cook Cruises, Fiji. 

Entries now open and deadline extended to
Friday 5 October 2018.



Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor




Bronze Sponsor

The conference organisers invite sponsorship of this conference. Please visit the SPONSORSHIP page for more information about sponsorship packages available.


Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS Pasifika acknowledge the graphic designers at Extent Heritage for the design of the CULTURE conference logo


Conference Convenors

  • Kerime Danis, Convenor, Australia ICOMOS
  • Mary Knaggs,  Co-convenor, Australia ICOMOS Vice President
  • Anita Smith, Co-convenor, Australia ICOMOS
  • Adi Meretui Ratunabuabua, Co-convenor, ICOMOS Pasifika
  • Elizabeth Edwards, Co-convenor, ICOMOS Pasifika Secretariat

For the full list of the Convenors and the Conference Content Committee, download the 2018 CULTURE Conference Co-convenors + Content Committee.