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Australia ICOMOS > 2010 Outback and Beyond > Post Conference Tour

Post Conference Tour

Have you seen the colours, the landforms and sunsets of The Outback? The scenery is undeniably spectacular and has inspired explorers, travellers and artists for thousand of years. Have you experience the distant horizon disappearing into a shimmery haze or spectacular dawn hues when nature comes alive before the heat of the day? So why not join the post-conference tour, especially arranged for Australia ICOMOS. Sites have been chosen to complement the conference themes of historic towns, industrial heritage and remote pastoralism.

BUT numbers are strictly limited due to the capacity of the bus used for the tour and remote accommodation capacities. So you must BOOK early. A booking is confirmed by a paid deposit and will be on a ‘first-in’ basis.

PLEASE NOTE: Please see the Cancellation Policy for both the tour and the conference in general.

The cost for the tour is $450 per person, inclusive of GST.

Tours Team are Sue Jackson-Stepowski, Michael Queale and Diana Garder.

For further information on the tour, click on the following link:

Outback and Beyond Swag Tour

Download the Post Tour booking form to book your place!


Reluctantly, the organising committee has had to cancel the Pre-Conference tour of Burra and its Cornish Mines due to insufficient numbers. Registrants have now been notified.

ANNEXURE posting – 10 March 2010

We have extended the time available for Pre- and Post- Conference Tour bookings. We are now seeking confirmation of all Tour bookings by Friday 19 March.