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CLICK HERE to download a copy of the detailed conference program including conference papers, social events, workshops and site visits.

Our program includes a packed schedule of social events including drinks with our Principal Partners Lovell Chen Architects & Heritage Consultants, and a closing party at Jack’s Powder Magazine—which has only recently been reopened to the public—hosted by our Silver Partners Working Heritage. The conference dinner will take place at Abbotsford Convent, one of Melbourne’s hidden gems, which was saved by a community campaign in the 1990s and is now one of Australia’s biggest arts precincts.

We are also excited to offer two immersive satellite events prior to the conference on 4–5 October. A two-day hands-on conservation workshop hosted by APT International Australasian Chapter and the National Trust will provide an opportunity to learn about decorative finishes at two of the Trust’s magnificent Melbourne properties, Labassa Mansion and Rippon Lea Estate. Meanwhile, for the museum crowd, keynote Franklin Vagnone will offer half-day workshops at Rippon Lea Estate.

Click here to download a flyer for our materials conservation workshop.

Click here to download a PDF flyer for our historic house museum workshops.

10:00 am - 4:00 pm Labassa

SATELLITE EVENT: Are We Finished? Materials Conservation Workshop: Day 1

This optional Satellite Event is presented by APT International Australasian Chapter and the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conservation Reference Group with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). The theme of the 2016 conference presented jointly by the National Trusts of Australia and ICOMOS Australia is The Peoples Ground. The theme highlights the intangibility of heritage practice, and the […]
Fabric Conservation
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Rippon Lea Estate

SATELLITE EVENT: Managing Change: Historic House Museum Workshop

This optional Satellite Event will be facilitated by Frankl Vagnone (Museum Anarchists, and co-author of The Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums) and hosted by National Trust of Australia (Victoria) at Rippon Lea Estate. Don’t just stand around, DO SOMETHING! In a series of 2-hour, totally immersive happenings, you will have unprecedented access to the […]
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Rippon Lea Estate

SATELLITE EVENT: Managing Change: Historic House Museum Workshop

This optional Satellite Event will be facilitated by Frank Vagnone (Museum Anarchists, and co-author of The Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums) and hosted by National Trust of Australia (Victoria) at Rippon Lea Estate. Don’t just stand around, DO SOMETHING! In a series of 2-hour, totally immersive happenings, you will have unprecedented access to the […]
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Rippon Lea Estate

SATELLITE EVENT: Managing Change: Historic House Museum Workshop

This optional Satellite Event will be facilitated by Frank Vagnone (Museum Anarchists, and co-author of The Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums) and hosted by National Trust of Australia (Victoria) at Rippon Lea Estate. Don’t just stand around, DO SOMETHING! In a series of 2-hour, totally immersive happenings, you will have unprecedented access to the […]
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Labassa

SATELLITE EVENT: Are We Finished? Materials Conservation Workshop: Day 2

This optional Satellite Event is presented by APT International Australasian Chapter and the Australia ICOMOS Fabric Conservation Reference Group with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria). The theme of the 2016 conference presented jointly by the National Trusts of Australia and ICOMOS Australia is The Peoples Ground. The theme highlights the intangibility of heritage practice, and the […]
Fabric Conservation
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Fitzroy Gardens

SATTELITE EVENT: Cook 250 Workshop

The year 2020 will mark the 250th anniversary of James Cook’s exploration of the east coast of Australia. The Cook 250 workshop will be a chance to hear from Project Officer, Richard Ferguson, of The Australian National Maritime Museum who has been leading the national coordination of the anniversary to date. NTAQ have a strong connection […]
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Rippon Lea Estate

SATELLITE EVENT: Managing Change: Historic House Museum Workshop

This optional Satellite Event will be facilitated by Frankl Vagnone (Museum Anarchists, and co-author of The Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums) and hosted by National Trust of Australia (Victoria) at Rippon Lea Estate. Don’t just stand around, DO SOMETHING! In a series of 2-hour, totally immersive happenings, you will have unprecedented access to the […]
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Parliament House

Welcome Drinks at Queen’s Hall

Our official Welcome Drinks will be held in the glorious Queens Hall at Parliament House, built in 1877-79 at the height of Melbourne’s gold rush. We invite you to raise a glass in the People’s House, just as many great visitors have before you, as we begin the conversation about the past, present and future […]
08.30 - 09.00 AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Welcome and Introduction

9:00 am - 10.00 AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Keynote: Franklin Vagnone

Franklin Vagnone (Principal—TWISTED PRESERVATION Cultural Consulting, New York City) with a strong background in the creative arts (architecture; design; sculpture), is a Public Historian who has been labeled a “domestic-archeo-anthropologist”. He has over 25 years of transformational leadership in non-profit management, financial oversight, fundraising, strategic planning, board relationships, award-winning cultural program and creative place-making development. […]
Heritage PracticeHistoric House MuseumsTourism
10:00 am - 10.30 AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Morning Tea

10:30 am - 10:50 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Time of Chaos: Boon Wurrung Cultural Values to Nairm

This paper introduces the intangible heritage and cultural values the Boon Wurrung have to Nerm (Port Phillip Bay) around which Melbourne resides. Before European colonisation of this landscape, the Boon Wurrung, a part of the greater Kulin Nation of the Melbourne region, were custodians of this Country (birrarang-ga) looking after it in anticipation of the […]
Cultural Landscapes
10:30 am - 10:50 am Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Useful Redundancy: Sustaining heritage places

Heritage places on Crown Land can have a problematic status – particularly when they are no longer required for their original function. What options are there for these places? Drawing on the experiences of Working Heritage, this paper will propose some possible, and imperfect, approaches to respond to the challenges presented by these places.
Managing Heritage
10:30 am - 10:50 am Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Brand HERITAGE: Who is responsible today?

The days of community driven protest marches to save old buildings appears to be mostly over. Heritage places are now protected as an intrinsic part of government schedules, development plans or schemes. Now that the community has passed responsibility for heritage protection to government, it could be argued that today’s heritage advocates are heritage advisors, […]
Heritage Practice
10:50 am - 11:10 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Should Cultural and Large Area Landscapes be Better Recognised and Protected Through our Heritage Systems?

In recent decades, the Victorian Heritage Register has welcomed the addition of places as diverse as Bells Beach, The Convincing Ground massacre site, numerous designed landscapes and gardens. However obstacles remain in the recognition and registration of landscapes and large and complex areas of land. In this presentation, Louise Honman will discuss what the Heritage […]
Cultural Landscapes
10:50 am - 11:10 am Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Valuing Voices: Giving all our Pasts a Future

The recent events around the referendum on Britain’s exit from the European Union highlighted issues of trust, democracy and identity. The People’s Ground became a battleground which illuminated deep chasms in British society and people’s rejection of gatekeepers and experts. As well as governments, heritage, arts and cultural organisations have much to learn from this. […]
Heritage Practice
10.50 - 11.10 Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Rookwood Necropolis CMP

In 2015, GML Heritage was commissioned by the Rookwood Necropolis Trust to prepare a Conservation Management Plan for Rookwood. The plan forms the first comprehensive and coordinated heritage management plan for the site and was prepared against a backdrop of increasing pressure for burial space and discussions about the commercial sustainability of the site. Rookwood […]
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
11:10 am - 11:30 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Rules of the Game

Famously, on 10 July 1858, the cricketer Tom Wills wrote to Bell’s Life in Victoria proposing a form of winter recreation for cricketers through playing football. Before long, there was a need to codify the game, which developed as a colonial variant of English football. A subcommittee of the newly formed Melbourne Football Club, three […]
Cultural Landscapes
11:10 am - 11:30 am Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Heritage Planning for the People: Insights from Brisbane

The heritage conservation movement in Australia was borne out of the destructive actions of governments in the 1970s and 80s. Community outrage lead to our current regulation, however, it has been criticised as being bureaucratic and inaccessible to everyday Australians. This paper explores current community attitudes to heritage conservation by capturing residents’ experiences of living […]
Heritage Practice
11:10 am - 11:30 am Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Power of Qi and the Challenge of Preserving the Chinese Cemeteries of Christmas Island

For those of Chinese heritage on Christmas Island the connection to their burial grounds is complex, profound and enduring – steeped in ancestor-worship and deeply rooted in carefully chosen auspicious landscapes. The challenge is to capture the spiritual essence of these sites in appropriate and accessible ways that will preserve them for future generations.
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
11:30 am - 11:50 am Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The power of good communication and education in local government heritage advisory work

This paper draws on my experience as a local Government Heritage Advisor to illustrate where good communication and education has helped lead to good heritage outcomes and a positive change in people’s perceptions of heritage and conservation. The paper provides some simple methodologies that I apply to my work in an effort to improve heritage […]
11:30 am - 11:50 am Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Successful Public Private Partnerships for People, Place and Practice: Recent adaptive re-use projects by the National Trust of Australia (WA)

The successful adaptive re-use of a heritage place requires a clear understanding of the values embodied in that place, along with respectful deliberations of proposed new works, to deliver sustainable outcomes without compromising heritage values. The National Trust in WA has successfully completed a number of substantial adaptive re-use projects in recent years. Each has […]
Managing Heritage
11:30 am - 11:50 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Managing the People’s Ground: Memories, experiences and fantacism caught up in heritage controls

This paper examines the statutory heritage management of the MCG and Yarra Park, which has adapted to reflect the true nature of the respective heritage values; and questions whether the places warrant consideration as a single heritage entity, with an integrated approach to the management of the stadium and setting.
Managing Heritage
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground


1:00 pm - 1:20 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The tautology of ‘Intangible values’ and the misrecognition of intangible cultural heritage

Australia, like other white settler countries, has yet to become a state party to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICHC). This paper identifies and examines the professional heritage discourse that both facilitates the Australian government’s reluctance to engage with the concept of intangible heritage and works to exclude a range […]
Heritage PracticeIntangible Heritage
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Place

The context and challenges of developing an Australia ICOMOS, Burra Charter perspective on Intangible Cultural Heritage – a lively, issues-based discussion. The AICOMOS National Scientific Committee for Intangible Cultural Heritage has been developing resources to assist heritage professional in considering Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), and are exploring how intangible heritage aspects of place – including […]
Intangible Heritage
1:00 pm - 1:20 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Separation Anxiety

The passing of Melbourne’s historic Separation Tree following acts of vandalism received much publicity, for many it was a source of grief and a cause for deep reflection. Yet, further afield, the progressive disappearance of large old trees is relentless and often unquestioned. The consequences are far-reaching.
Natural Heritage
1:20 pm - 1:40 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Death of Authenticity

I propose the death of authenticity (and the object-centered heritage system) and the rise of integrity (recognising the legacy of ‘open-source heritage’, tangible and intangible layers with people at the base). The conference theme seeks to address what heritage processes are in play at the confluence of people, practice and place. Modernism’s focus was on […]
Heritage Practice
1:20 pm - 1:50 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Managing the “People Value” of a Special, Large Area: Natural reserve and people’s ground, Wellington Park, Tasmania

Wellington Park is a large, essentially natural, protected area that lies immediately behind Tasmania’s capital, Hobart. The Park has acknowledged strong community valuing. Managing such values provides challenges across the spectrum of management. This paper examines recent attempts to identify and manage such values, including a recent assessment of the social values of Wellington Park […]
Managing Heritage
1:40 pm - 2:00 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

What could HUL mean for Australian Heritage Practice?

This paper considers the engagement with the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (or ‘HUL’) in Ballarat. We ask what difference the ‘HUL’ can make – for the city, for the ways in which current and future communities respond to change, and ultimately, for the practices of heritage itself.
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
1:40 pm - 2:00 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Marli Riverpark: A model for developing an interpretation plan in a capital city riverscape

Derbarl Yerrigan and Djarlgarro Beelier/the Swan and Canning Rivers are both a physical resource and a spiritual place. In 2014, Marli Riverpark – an Interpretation Plan for the Swan and Canning Rivers was determined by process, practice and the riverscape itself. It unfolded within a review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, the Heritage Act […]
Cultural LandscapesNatural Heritage
2:00 pm - 2:20 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Yarra River Landscape Corridor

The Yarra River with its landscape corridor is of immense value to the people of Melbourne; it is an icon of our city. This paper discusses the evolution of planning controls to protect the Yarra River’s landscapes for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations. As a means of understanding the landscapes that […]
Natural Heritage
2:00 pm - 2:20 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Future of Heritage Practice: Panel Session

Q&A with speakers.
Heritage Practice
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Afternoon Tea

3:00 pm - 3:20 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Burra Charter: Does it have teeth?

This paper is about the Burra Charter and how, since its inception in 1979 and over the ensuing years, it has translated into reality on the ground around Australia. Each of Australia’s state and territory’s planning instruments has been examined to see if the charter has been incorporated into the scheme, whether or not it […]
Heritage Practice
3:00 pm - 3:20 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Parramatta Female Factory Memory Project: From a heritage site to Australia’s first site of conscience

This paper will discuss the development of the Parragirls Female Factory Precinct Memory Project in Western Sydney as Australia’s first site of conscience. We will examine the immense significance of re-imagining places of complex traumatic histories as sites of conscience and the challenge such re-designation poses to dominant heritage paradigms.
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
3:00 pm - 3:20 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Sustaining heritage in the face of disaster: the importance of intangible values from Nepal to Australia

The impact of the 2015 earthquakes on the cultural heritage of Nepal was substantial. Not only were the tangible values of the built heritage, artworks and collections of movable heritage affected, but also the intangible values associated with these sites, the spiritual and social values, rituals, festivals and stories, all of which are very much […]
Managing Heritage
3:20 pm - 3:40 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Liking, following and sharing: social media and heritage advocacy

This paper will explore the emerging field of social media activism and how it is currently positioned within the broader discourse of heritage advocacy. Transcending architectural purity as the key measure of a buildings significance, it can be argued that these community lead campaigns focus more heavily on the social and cultural values of place.
Advocacy & Activism
3:20 pm - 3:40 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Rottnest Island: Many Peoples’ Ground

Rottnest became an island around 7,000 years ago due to rising sea levels. Aboriginal people used the land prior to that and, apart from fleeting visits by passing explorers, the place was not occupied again until the 1830s. Since then early settlers, Aboriginal prisoners, internees, POWs, the military, WA families and tourists have spent time […]
Cultural LandscapesManaging Heritage
3:20 pm - 3:40 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

From the Past to the Present to the Future: Managing intangible heritage values in New Zealand

Intangible heritage is an important component of the world view of Maori, and features in the cultural traditions of European New Zealanders. However there are tensions in the identification and management of intangible values, in identifying exactly what is being memorialised and managed, and the perceived need for a link to physical evidence. Three important […]
Intangible Heritage
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail: Indigenous heritage made visible

The Lurujarri Dreaming Trail offers an example of how guided Indigenous heritage trails can make Indigenous heritage values (tangible and intangible) ‘visible’ for non-Indigenous peoples. This paper draws on the doctoral research Being with Country to examine how the on-Country sharing of Indigenous heritage is leading to a shared sense, and protection of place.
Aboriginal Cultural HeritageCultural LandscapesIntangible Heritage
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

20 Years On: Reflections on grief, tourism and commemoration at Port Arthur Historic Site

When announcing the 20th anniversary services of the 1996 massacre to be held at Port Arthur Historic Site, CEO Stephen Large said: We did make the comment 10 years ago that that would be the last service … in hindsight we shouldn’t have said that. 2016 marks 20 years since a gunman killed 35 people […]
Managing HeritageTourism
3:40 pm - 4:00 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Milling it Over: Geelong’s new life in forgotten places

The gradual departure of heavy industry from Geelong over the last 30 years has left a legacy of defunct spaces – a litany of abandoned warehouses, paper mills, and production plants. This paper explores the rediscovery and reinterpretation of Geelong’s rust-bucket heritage to understand how these spaces are acting as enterprising cultural incubators, and considers […]
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
4:00 pm - 4:20 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Dark Ride Project

Since the early days of the amusement park the dark ride has been a constant feature. Whether in the form of indoor scenic railway, spook house or walk through haunt, it is a universal experience. Taking early advantage of electricity, the dark ride became the earliest example of a fully programmed multimedia experience. It featured […]
Intangible Heritage
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Intergenerational Perceptions of Place: The “sea change” phenomenon

An ARC-funded research project has investigated the qualitative and quantitative impacts of the ‘sea change’ phenomenon on the physical, social and cultural fabric of the historic Victorian coastal towns of Sorrento and Queenscliff. Cross generational focus groups and semi-structured interviews have yielded rich data around relationships between people, community and place through stories, memories, connections, […]
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
4:00 pm - 4:20 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Unchanged Place: Lifescapes of Cook Island historic churches

Built in the mid-19th century, Rarotonga’s coral stone churches represented a complex interweaving of indigenous and foreign beliefs, cultural practice and architecture. This paper examines how these places continue to function and change, and questions what conservation looks like in a reality of “living” cultural landscapes.
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
6:30 pm - 11:00 pm Abbotsford Convent

Conference Dinner

CLICK HERE to buy your ticket (simply log-in to your account and follow the prompts) Revealing a slice of Melbourne which visitors often don’t get to experience, the People’s Ground conference dinner will be held at historic Abbotsford Convent, located on the land of the Wurundjeri, near the junction of the Yarra River and Merr i […]
8:45 am - 9:00 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Welcome and Introduction

9:30 am - 10:00 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Plenary Address: Conservation – A populist movement or elitist exercise? An Indian perspective.

Through a case study approach of our work over the past decade in India ranging from community engagement, digital technologies and hands-on conservation and interventions in historic buildings; this paper will illustrate our core belief that our heritage isn’t just about the buildings, it is about the people and their associations.
Heritage PracticeManaging HeritageSocial Significance
10:00 am - 10:30 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Plenary Address: Contested Space in Heritage Sites: A case of Majapahit sites in Trowulan, Indonesia

Contestation is a phenomenon from the impact of urbanization process in heritage sites. It is often highly politicized, and almost always has caused conflict among community, private sectors and government entities. They conflicted to decide their own priorities for development of their place and environment. The social consequences associated with the limitation of urban development […]
Heritage PracticeManaging HeritageSocial Significance
10:30 am - 11:00 am AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Morning Tea

11:00 am - 11:20 am Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Heritage Listing: A People’s Process

Australia has a long tradition of listing heritage places on registers and various statutory documents. This paper will discuss: the history of these processes; what these listing processes have left us with today; what do these lists mean to the community; what does the community expect; should the system be rationalised. The aim of the […]
Heritage Practice
11:00 am - 12:30 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Victorian Goldfields Heritage Roundtable Discussion

There has been a boom in interest in goldfields heritage in recent decades. Increasingly the central Victorian region defines itself through its mining history and intangible heritage as well as its built goldfields heritage. This roundtable explores the ongoing and changing dynamic between people, place and practice using the central Victorian Goldfields region as a […]
Cultural LandscapesHeritage PracticeHistoric Urban LandscapeManaging Heritage
11:00 am - 11:40 am Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The ICOMOS Session Part 1: Everything you wanted to know about ICOMOS but were afraid to ask.

International Vice President, Peter Phillips, and Australia ICOMOS President, Kerime Danis, will host a session which outlines how ICOMOS is governed and how you can become more involved. The International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organisation of this kind, […]
Heritage Practice
11:20 am - 11:40 am Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Are we there yet? Managing intangible heritage in museum spaces

This paper explores the role of the curator working in charged museum spaces in the interpretation of Australian social history. It looks at the influence of these spaces on narratives of intangible heritage in an historic house museum, a purpose built social history museum and in the digital space. Where are we going with interpretation […]
Heritage Practice
11:40 am - 12:00 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Tree Believers: Branching out to save significant trees

The National Trust is the premier advocate for the protection and conservation of significant trees in Victoria, a role it has fulfilled with fervor since 1982. The integrity of the Register is managed by a volunteer committee that includes the state’s eminent experts on heritage trees. Digital advances since 2011 have opened the Register up […]
Natural Heritage
11:40 am - 12:10 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The ICOMOS Session Part 2: The Australian Heritage Quality Framework

AHQF committee members Robyn Clinch, Donald Ellsmore, Mary Knaggs, and Claire Nunez will lead a discussion about the development of the AHQF. Australia ICOMOS (AICOMOS) and the Association for Preservation Technology International Australasia Chapter (APT) advocate the development of an Australian Heritage Quality Framework (AHQF) to provide incentive for improving the quality of heritage conservation […]
Fabric ConservationHeritage Practice
12:00 pm - 12:20 pm Premiership Room B, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Living Heritage of Cemeteries

Our cemeteries are living monuments to Melbourne’s cultural heritage: to casualties of war, to poets and painters, social reformers, Premiers and prominent people in the history of public life. They record the evolution of a unique burial culture, and set rich waves of Melbourne’s migrant history in stone.
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
12:10 pm - 12:30 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The ICOMOS Session Part 3: The Australia ICOMOS Strategic Plan 2017–2022

Mary Knaggs, Anne McConnell and Robyn Clinch will give a brief outline on how we performed with the current Australia ICOMOS Strategic Plan 2011-2016 and how the draft new Strategic Plan 2017-2020 is shaping up. The Executive Committee will be looking for feedback from Australia ICOMOS members on the new Strategic Plan next year leading […]
Heritage Practice
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground


12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

ICOMOS AGM (Optional)

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Managing Aboriginal cultural heritage values in the City of Melbourne (Sponsored by the Aboriginal Melbourne Team, City of Melbourne)

The profile of Melbourne’s Aboriginal cultural heritage is growing and, driven largely by the City of Melbourne’s Reconciliation Action Plan and Aboriginal Heritage Action Plan, the management of Aboriginal cultural heritage is receiving greater attention. But, given that the assessment of archaeology and broader and less tangible cultural values is occurring on a project by […]
Aboriginal Cultural HeritageManaging Heritage
1:30 pm - 1:50 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Future Trends in Stone Conservation in Australia and New Zealand: A Case Study of the William William’s House Ruins, Paihia, New Zealand

Internationally, stone conservators have been engaged to provide conservation strategies and treatments of major cultural sites around the world for the last 40 years.  Distance and lack of available training has seen Australia and New Zealand lag behind this trend. Consequently the presence of trained material conservators in heritage conservation has not been on par […]
Fabric Conservation
1:50 pm - 2:10 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Quintet of Benefits from Conservation Training of Prisoners

The National Trust in WA has completed five conservation projects in co-operation with Corrective Services which allowed prisoners to learn and complete conservation works under supervision of quality trainers. Eric Hancock will discuss methods for this unique approach to heritage practice and the multiple benefits.
Fabric Conservation
2:10 pm - 2:30 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Old Perth Boys’ School – Exploring the Fabric and Stories

Old Perth Boys’ School, 1854, is Western Australia’s first purpose built government school. We explore how the National Trust expose, maintain and strengthen the intangible heritage values that were revealed in the recent process of conservation and adaptive re-use. How does the fabric reveal embedded stories? An intact underfloor archaeological deposit of over 6000 artefacts […]
Fabric Conservation
2:30 pm - 2:50 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Dan Blake, Lovell Chen Architects & Heritage Consultants

Fabric Conservation
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Afternoon Tea

3:30 pm - 3:40 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Lives of Buildings

In the mid 1860s the Victorian Horticultural Improvement Society secured a grant of land ‘for the purpose of erecting a hall’ to be used to promote horticulture. Horti Hall’s architectural significance is well-documented, but not so its rich social history. Are we really preserving heritage if we neglect the intangible?
3:30 pm - 3:50 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Untold Stories: Deconstruction of the St Kilda Pier Kiosk

A survey of the intangible social values of St Kilda’s Pier Kiosk, destroyed by fire in 2003, enriched debate regarding ‘reconstruction’ or, alternatively, ‘contemporary interpretation’. A serendipitous accord between historical and social significance revealed a timeless dimension to its agreed charms, including its setting, ‘perfect’ scale, and its opportunities for affordable gathering, intimacy, or contemplation […]
Intangible Heritage
3:40 pm - 3:50 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Progressive Citizens and Town Hall: The formation of identity and civic materialities on the Victorian Central Goldfields

This snapshot documents the social imaginaries of migrant communities that emerged during the 19th Century Victorian goldrush, focussing on re-contextualization of identities through relationships between power, property, access and users rights, epitomized by the construction of town halls. We examine how has this legacy has sustained in times of change?
3:50 pm - 4:00 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Soundtrails: Choreographing Stories On Country

With over 150 highly produced stories deployed over 11 locations, Soundtrails is one of Australia’s smarter contenders in todays line up of geo-locative sound apps. This paper discusses the art of crafting authentic and engaging stories on site that go way beyond information delivery.
3:50 pm - 4:10 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Case For and Against the People’s Ground—Impacts of the Waverley Park Heritage Nomination in 2000

The successful inclusion of Waverley Park football stadium on the Victorian Heritage Register originated with a grassroots community movement and one set of expectations. The outcome demonstrates that Waverly is the landmark case that informed how judgements about the cultural heritage values of 20th century heritage places have been regarded since . The manner in […]
Cultural LandscapesHistoric Urban Landscape
4:00 pm - 4:10 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Rail Trails and the Intersection of Industrial Heritage and Adaptive Reuse

An introduction and discussion of the phenomenon of abandoned railway lines being adapted into multi-use linear parks – railtrails – and an assessment of these as sites of significance. Focusing on a popular trail in Victoria, the Bass Coast Rail Trail, this project’s unique position at the intersection of industrial heritage and adaptive reuse will be […]
4:10 pm - 4:30 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

“C” stands for Community in Valuing Heritage: Our “C” has gone missing. Who cares?

Melbourne’s heritage property owners and advocates for the public heritage, feel they are at the bottom of the heritage property and planning decision making hierarchy? Nothing less than billions of dollars of real estate and development opportunities and the future economy and liveability of the city and state, is at stake? How did it come […]
Advocacy & Activism
4:10 pm - 4:20 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

National Identity, heritage and place: the case of Africans in Brazil

As societies are becoming increasingly diverse, the rise of ‘the politics of difference’ over the ‘politics of equality’ is challenging national identities and cultural heritage management. In the past 20 years Brazil has been a testing site for a number of these issues, transforming from a monocultural nation to multiculturalism, however, carrying old problems from […]
Heritage PracticeIntangible HeritageManaging HeritageSocial Significance
4:20 pm - 4:30 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Seeking affect in the snowfields: a useful addition to heritage practice?

Affective and embodied understandings of heritage places encourage practitioners to think in new ways about the relationship between place and people. Here I share my initial discoveries on the practicalities and usefulness of engaging with concepts of affect and embodiment as part of our heritage practice.
4:30 pm - 4:50 pm AFL Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

The Lost Community of Montague

Montague became part of the Fishermans Bend urban renewal area in Melbourne following are-zoning in 2012. The area is characterised at present by businesses and factories. It is on the cusp of transformational change to high density residential living. Montague was once a tight-knit, proud residential and working community. What happened to the houses and […]
Advocacy & Activism
4:30 pm - 4:40 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Commissariat Store Museum Audio Guide Tour

The Commissariat Store Museum in Brisbane recently released an audio guide tour to uncover the hidden intangible stories within its tangible structure. This paper will summarise the process we undertook in creating the audio guide. It will also consider how the tangible structure was incorporated into the tour.
4:40 pm - 4:50 pm Premiership Room A, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Sound from the Ground, East Perth Cemeteries

Classical guitarists have been as artists in residence at East Perth Cemeteries. They were asked to interpret themes and stories that arose from their consideration of the collection of graves. The project included the commission of an original composition was commissioned as an additional contemporary response. The resulting guitar quartet performances on site formed a […]
5:15 pm - 6:30 pm Lovell Chen Architects & Heritage Consultants

Drinks with Principal Sponsor, Lovell Chen, launch of Historic Environment, ‘Conflict and Compassion’ & Inaugural ICOMOS President’s Award for Young/Early Career Professionals

Principal Partners Lovell Chen invite conference delegates to enjoy Friday drinks at their offices in East Melbourne, in close walking distance from the MCG. Lovell Chen is one of Australia’s leading heritage consulting firms, and has had a long working history on many projects relating to the conference venue, the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Australia ICOMOS […]
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Melbourne CBD

Saturday Stream 1: 20th Century Heritage Tour – Buildings, People & Practice

On this walking tour developed with program partner Open House Melbourne, delegates will visit a number of rarely-accessible but highly significant 20th century buildings in the Melbourne CBD and hear from experts about the conservation of 20th century built heritage. RMIT New Academic Street redevelopment The New Academic Street project will transform the heart of the […]
Built HeritageHeritage Practice
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Fitzroy Garden Pavilion

Saturday Stream 3: Remaking the Landscape

Focusing on Cook’s Cottage and the Fitzroy Gardens, this event offered by the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage will explore how the landscape is remade through the process of reassembling plants and buildings from one part of the globe to another. What does ‘people’s ground’ mean in the context of this […]
Cultural LandscapesIntangible Heritage
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Melbourne CBD

Saturday Stream 2: Sustainability & Heritage Tour

This tour presented with our program partners Open House Melbourne and the Australia ICOMOS National Scientific Committee on Energy & Sustainability will focus on building adaptations that embody both heritage and sustainability principles. Delegates will hear from experts at a number of highly significant heritage sites around Melbourne that illustrate the diversity of sustainable heritage practice across the city. 171 […]
4:30 pm - 9:00 pm Jack's Magazine

Closing Social Event at Jack’s Powder Magazine

Following Saturday’s field trips, delegates will meet at Southbank for boat trip along the Maribyrnong River and guided tour of Jack’s Powder Magazine, followed by return boat trip. A light dinner and drinks will be provided, with time to explore and view an installation by a local artist. Hidden away at the base of an escarpment […]