Andrew Potts is a partner in the Tax Credit Finance & Syndication practice of Nixon Peabody LLP, where he structures and closes financing for historic preservation and other community-based development projects. He works with a diverse range of clients in a practice centered on the use of federal and state historic tax credits (HTCs), new markets tax credits (NMTCs), HUD programs, grants and conventional finance.
After working as a heritage lawyer for twenty years, Andrew took a sabbatical from his Nixon Peabody practice to serve as the Executive Director of US/ICOMOS from February 2015 to August 2016. As Executive Director, his focus was implementing US/ICOMOS’ KnowledgeExchange strategic plan. The plan aims to increase the connectivity of US historic preservationists to international cultural heritage in areas like Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development. Andrew continues to serve as the Volunteer Coordinator of the ICOMOS Working Group on Climate Change and Heritage.
Andrew holds a J.D. from Indiana University. He previously served as Associate General Counsel of the US National Trust for Historic Preservation. He served as Vice President of the Historic Tax Credit Coalition and outside counsel on climate change and energy efficiency policy for the National Trust. He is the recipient of the National Trust’s John H. Chafee Trustees Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Policy. Andrew is a member of the ICOMOS international committee on heritage Law, Administration and Finance (ICLAFI) and also serves as the ICOMOS Focal Point for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Process.