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THEME 1: Heritage at Risk – Climate Change and Disasters

Author(s) Name

Title of Paper

Simon Molesworth AO QC

Integrity of Cultures at Global Risk – Our Duties, Our Rights, Our Responses

Andrew Potts

Mobilizing the Heritage Sector for Climate Action

Frances Namoumou

Climate change and resettlement – the role of culture and heritage

Siteri Tikoca

The management of heritage in the face of climate change

Catherine Forbes

Are we really prepared for disaster – Responding to the lessons from

Chris Richards

The former Colonial Sugar Refining Company Ltd. (CSR) and the Fiji Sugar Corporation (FSC) – Vulnerable Heritage in Fiji

Christophe Sand

Climate change, sea-shore erosion and the disappearance of cultural sites – putting the record of archaeological remains in Islanders hands

E. Yarina, P. Allan, M. Bryant

Translating spaces – Designing for Climate Migrants

E. Yarina, P. Allan, M. Bryant

Indigenous values as a method for designing for climate change on culturally significant sites

Marco Hernández-Escampa, Daniel Barrera-Fernández

Corrosion studies and archaeometallurgical heritage conservation in Pacific Ocean basins of Mexico

Robyn Riddett

Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Contemporary Risk Preparedness for Natural Disasters

Victoria Herrmann

“They Should Know to Keep Them” – The Importance of Documenting Histories of Heritage for Climate Change Adaptation in American Samoa

Yi-Jen Tseng

Built Heritage, the Threat of Disasters, and the Challenges to Conservation – Kinmen Island as Case Study


THEME 2: Cultural Landscape Practice and Management

Author Name

Title of Paper

Dr Jeffrey Noro

The Kainake Project

Anita Smith & Dr Elise Huffer

The Cultural Dimension of the Pacific Ocean in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and marine areas beyond national jurisdiction

Christina Dyson & Rachel Jackson

Management of the Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area’s Cultural Landscape


Community and the Conservation of Cultural Landscape – A case of Longan in Taiwan

Geoff Ashley

Contested Landscapes _Private Shacks – Public Lands

Kevin L. Jones

Prospects for World Heritage in the equatorial and south Pacific Islands

Elodie Fache & Simonne Pauwels

Rethinking indigenous-local ecological knowledge combination in Fiji On the role of social sciences in tackling overfishing

Lorylie Crisostomo

Memories and Aspirations: Key to Community Cultural Landscape Management and Conservation – click here to view a video of this presentation

Ron Vave

Community conservation of natural resources: The lesser known Culturally Protected Water Bodies of Fiji (due to the sensitive and confidential nature of the material presented, a copy has not been provided)

Rouran Zhang

The Meaning of Cultural Landscape in China – From the Perspective of Heritage Stakeholders

Sue Jackson-Stepowski

The Shared Built Heritage of Easter Island

XU Ying; MA Zhiliang

The Sustainable Planning and Management of Cultural Landscape in Nananzui Wuhan

Catherine Macarthur

Using historic themes of Sydney observatory relationships with the harboursites around the harbour


SPECIFIC SESSION 2: CultureNature Knowledge Café

Author Name

Title of Paper

Beata Kade

Digital interpretation in culturenature preservation

Leah Lui-Chivizhe

Culture-Nature, Islander knowing and the 1875 Chevert Expedition



Author Name

Title of Paper

Alan Croker

Kinchela Boys Home – Healing and the Unexpected Role of a Conservation Management Plan

Ania Kotarba-Morley

Emerging Professionals WG Info Session